воскресенье, 9 февраля 2020 г.


Many requests have come in for the online javadoc to be updated - now at release 3. The theoretical basis is, however, the same. Javadoc for the API may be found included in the release. It has been compiled and tested on Oracle JDK 7 - we have no reports on it not working on other versions of the JDK, so if you find it not working on any JRE 6 or newer, please let us know in the bug section. This example illustrates manipulation of axioms in an ontology. The example either uses a StructuralReasoner, which returns information about the hierarchy based solely on the assertions that are made in the ontology. This example shows the definition of a simple renderer.

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Additionally, package names have changed. The reason for this is that it was decided to align the names of interfaces with the names used in the OWL 2 Structural Specification. The example either uses a StructuralReasoner, which odlapi information about the hierarchy based solely on the assertions that are made in the ontology. It has been compiled and tested on Oracle JDK 7 - we have no reports on it not working on other versions of the JDK, iwlapi if you find it not working on any JRE 6 or newer, please let us know in the bug section.

Many requests have come in owlai the online javadoc to be updated - now at release 3. Javadoc for the API may be found included in the release Many requests have come in for the online javadoc to be updated - now at release 3.


The theoretical basis owlqpi, however, the same. A set of tutorial slides are available below. Find the updated documentation here. This example shows how we can calculate and display a basic ontology hierarchy.

OWLAPI - Semantic Web Standards

In order to use the API in your own applications, you should download the latest binary release and ensure that all of the jar files are in the application class path.

The main API interfaces and corresponding name changes are shown in the table below. The debugger identifies axioms causing inconsistencies in OWL ontologies. The central point of access is the OWLOntologyManager, which is used to loadcreate and access ontologies. This example shows the definition of a simple renderer.

The example makes use of an OWLReasoner to calculate the class hierarchy, then navigates the structure obtained, printing out basic information for each of the classes. DL Query Example presenting an example of how to query an ontology. Maven is the build system currently used for official builds, and it includes OSGI compatibility in the builds experimental feature. The renderer provided an HTML page describing the entities in the ontology. If you are new to OWL, start with this.

Maven Repository: » owlapi-distribution

The examples below show how to create an instance of this class and how to use it. If you check out the OWL API source code from the sourceforge website, the tutorial examples can be found in the tutorial directory.

This example illustrates the use of the debugger. If you want to check out the source code and build the binaries yourself, you can either use ANT build file is in the antbuild folder or Maven.

Code examples

Javadoc for the API may be found included in the release. These illustrate parsing ontologies owlpai concrete formats; rendering to concrete formats; manipulating ontologies and using inference services. Some simple examples that relate to the tutorial slides are provided. This example illustrates manipulation of axioms in an ontology.

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