Nov 29, Stacey rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sigrid rated it it was amazing Dec 27, Shruti rated it really liked it Apr 26, Meh I had hoped for better art accompanying the story, but wasn't that impressed. The Magic Flute by Yoshitaka Amano ,. In he held his first solo exhibition in New York. Jan 09, nisie draws rated it it was amazing.
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Inhe began doing lithographs at a studio in New York and has since held solo exhibitions in galleries all over Japan. Lists with This Book. From the world's greatest fantasy artist Yoshitaka Amano comes a masterful interpretation of the classic opera The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
In he branched out into new artistic realms, doing stage design for Tamasaburo Bando's production of Nayotake and other plays, and designing a stained-glass window for the Yosei Musuem.
Mateki: The Magic Flute
matkei Sansaii rated it it was amazing Apr 19, Mateki mateko a beautiful and tragic tale of a young prince who must put away his flute and become a warrior to save his love from the lord of darkness.
Kristina Wolfe rated it really liked it Aug 27, Dec 27, Dane rated it really liked it. Home Contact us Help Free delivery worldwide. Dec 19, Olivia rated it liked it Shelves: Learn about new offers and get more deals by joining our newsletter.
Of course, the "story" is pretty sparse and not terribly exciting, but the main draw of the book is Amano's illustrations, and in the view, this book is just another in the large body of his flut art.
Scotticus rated it did not like it Mar 29, Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Reviewed by Broken Frontier.
Even if you don't like the story I can't imagine that you won't love the art. Shruti rated it really liked it Apr 26, Mar 11, Kerry rated it it was amazing Shelves: For people flite are fans, such as myself, a computer screen can only show so much of this man's work. Return to Book Page. Want to Read saving…. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book.
In he did the character design for the first Final Fantasy video game, winning him widespread acclaim. I love Amano's work and this book is just incredible. Oct 11, Shawn rated it did not like it.
In he was mate,i with the Seiun Award for Art, tge he went on to win for three subsequent years. This is beautiful art and story by Amano, based upon Mozart's opera.
Note - "Mateki" magic flute is the Japanese name given to a particular make kagic flute that is extremely responsive to the artists personal playing style. About Yoshitaka Amano Yoshitaka Amano first gained fame for his work on Gatchaman as well as Vampire Hunter D and from there expanded to other creative areas including the visual concept of the game Final Fantasy.
It was bought as fluge gift because I am a fan of the artist.
Mateki: The Magic Flute by Yoshitaka Amano
Refresh and try again. Whitney rated it liked it Feb 26, In Mateki the colours bounce off the page and give the watercolour works an extra depth. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Bridgett rated it it was amazing Jun 04, glute Meh I had hoped for better art accompanying the story, but wasn't that impressed. Jan 31, Morbus Iff rated it it was ok Shelves:
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